I am a chair person, committee member of a group called Project Healthy Living. It is a community coalition group that works on health related issues in the community and we try to provide support where there are gaps.... I know, very vague but really it is a great group. Mostly it is retired health professionals but a few of us are actively working which gives the whole group a better "pulse" on the communities needs. So last year, I was supposed to be helping with a big project called the Parent/Teen Expo....but I was sick and did not go to the meetings. So, this year I was put in charge of the entire event (I was not at the meeting to keep them from voting me in!!!!!)
Last night was our first event of two. We had 12 booths set up at a local football game, kids signed up and walked through all the booths and dropped their card in for a drawing. Gave away a new laptop. The goal was for each booth to give a short message or make sure each kid or parent knew what their program can do for them. For example, my asthma booth had an experiment. Each person took a straw and I had them breath through the straw while I was talking with them. It simulates what an asthmatic person feels as they are starting to have an asthma attack. My message is that we, bystanders, need to offer to help someone if they say they are having trouble breathing. Often, the reason a person dies from asthma is because they cannot get to their medication to stop the attack. Try it sometime!
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