Kristi Thacker

Kristi Thacker
Thyroid Cancer Sucks

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Things that make you go bblleeehhhh!!!!!!!

I got in the van, started backing out and felt something go blump...thought the kids must have left a toy behind the van so had Savana jump out to get it out of the way...she started going eeewww and hopping up and I got out and 2 feet of black snake was hanging from behind the right front tire.  It was obviously hurt and I figured it was dead.  So... I got the barbeque tongs and pulled on it to remove it from my pulled back!!!!!   bblleehh!!!!!   Now what do I do...I need to get to town... so I back up the van some more, hoping to dislodge it...  flop, flop, flop  and it's still moving.  This thing is huge!  Savana climbs through the van from the drivers side and we decide that driving will get it to fall out.  We drive,  flop, flop, flop all the way and stop for lunch about 5 miles away.  It is still hanging and still moving.  A delivery man gets his nerve up and looks underneath, estimates that it is at least 5 feet long and fully wrapped under the van around the drive shaft and into the motor....  There is a mechanics shop around the corner.  We order our food and I drive over...his response is "I hate snakes, you could not pay me enough money to get any snake out, can your husband do it"  Oh Man!  So back to finish lunch, hoping that over the 30 minutes it takes to eat, it will crawl out on its own.  Lunch is done, snake is still hanging and moving.  So we move on to our next errand...but after more flopping and bumping under the car, decide to stop at a friends business and see if he can help in any way.  Low and behold, the visible 2 feet are no longer there but under the hood, my friend finds a huge mouse nest.  Aaaahaaa moment..... snake after mouse now in motor.  I still do not know if the snake is still in the motor or if it flopped out on the road...I don't have the nerve to look too much under the car...we will see if it's stinky in the morning, then I guess I will know.  Things that make you go bblleehh!!!!!!

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