Kristi Thacker

Kristi Thacker
Thyroid Cancer Sucks

Saturday, September 14, 2013


September 14, 2013
The house is quiet, very quiet.  Lends to thinking about...everything.  Last week I was so relieved to get another "undetectable" cancer level.  Today, we have several of Shelby's family staying with us so that they can get a visit in with his Dad because the cancer is spreading, quickly.  Shelby has reconnected with all of his siblings in the last few weeks, which is something that I never imagined would happen.  They have been at odds their whole lives.  I am not sure if I would call it fate or whatever, but I do think that things happen for a reason sometimes.  The hard things that we deal with in our lives are most often the things that bring us closer together and definitely shows you who will be there in the long run. 

My ramblings are done...time for me to have another cup of coffee and enjoy this gorgeous cool morning.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Camp Sabra Full Time....and I mean full time!

So, I took the Clinic Manager position with Camp Sabra this summer....WHEW!  I have basically been here for the last 5 weeks...full time round the clock.  I love the new clinic space and have had fun arranging the new clinic just the way I want it.  I think July will allow me to be home a lot more as I have more staff scheduled for the nights.  If you feel like driving down, I would be more than happy to give you a tour via golf kart.  Below is my new medication delivery window, and some of the ladies that have been helping me this summer!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

So, I woke up at 2:00 this AM and could not go back to sleep...which gave me all sorts of time to get another video to load!  This is Savana singing her solo's at District Contest in Jefferson City. 

This young lady continues to show me so much inner strength and beauty.  I never know what she will say or do next.  She is so talented and can pretty much do anything that she puts her mind to.  She truly has no fear, in a healthy self assured kind of way.  AMAZING KID!  She received a II rating for this performance which is excellent for her first time singing a solo.

Oh yeah, and by the way, she just walked into a local establishment and got a job last week.  I tell you, people cannot tell her no.  She is a hostess for L.O. Crabshack and loving it so far!  All I did was wait outside for her to drop off her application and she walks back out in 10 minutes and says "I got a job!"  Geez!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Savana is the standing 2nd from the left. 

It took sooovery long to get even one video to load... I will work on the other 3 when time permits. 

I could not be more proud than I was of Lee and Savana when they performed for State Music Contest.

There is one more song for Lee and two that Savana's Ensemble sang...

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Tri County Music Contest

The kids participated in their first music contest of this year.  It was held at School Of The Osage High School.  Between the 2 kids, Lee in band and choir and Savana in multiple choirs, I had 9 performances to get to yesterday.  Dad, Mom, Kim and I ran all over the school trying to get to everything we wanted to hear.  We had to miss Lee's Chamber Choir in order to hear Savana's vocal solo but we made it to the rest.  This is both kids first time to try solo's at contest, very scary and hard to stand up by yourself in front of a judge.  My final words to the kids were " just remember that the judge was once in your shoes and knows how scary it your best!  And they both performed like professionals!  Savana commented after finishing her songs that "That was really fun"  It made her judge smile :) even after 9 hours of listening to endless teenage crooners!

I have tried to upload the kids vocal solo videos without success, so I guess I will just give you the verbal descriptions.  Savana was given a II+ rating, which is "very good".  Lee was given a I rating which is "excellent".  I could not have been more proud than I was on Saturday.  Looking forward to 2 weeks from now when they perform again on March 23rd in Jefferson City.  They both learned a lot from their judges comments and have new techniques to experiment with the next time.

Eldon band received a I,  Eldon Concert Choir a II-, Eldon Chamber Choir a II+,  Osage Concert Choir a II, Osage Womens Choir a I, Osage Girls Glee a II and Savana's ensemble of 6 girls received a II.  All of these are very good to excellent ratings for our schools!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Gonna try this again!

I know I have been a horrible blogger the last few months....just haven't been in the mood I guess.  Part of the problem has been our internet issues at our house.  We have time limits with the cell phone based internet card that we use and it seems that we meet our allotted amount with just the email checking etc that we do each month.  I cannot access blogs from work.  Blogging just went to the wayside.
But I have a lot to talk about this month, several big things going on that I just have to share with the world!
Savana is turning 16 in a couple of hard to believe that tiny, tow headed baby is going to be driving all by herself on March 12th!
Both kids are taking vocal solos to contest this year.  So March is very busy with concerts and Saturday contests at School of the Osage and another school in Jefferson City hosts the Districts.  I will email all the dates as soon as I am sure of all the details.  Savana is very good at keeping me in the loop.  Lee not so much!
Last week I had a surgery on my tear ducts in both eyes, to try to open them back up.  My last radioactive iodine treatment scarred and collapsed the tear ducts.  So far, my new stents are not helping too much, but the Dr asssures me that I have to be patient to allow all the swelling to go down.  I can't see swelling anymore but he thinks that the inside of my nose is irritated from the stents. 
March is also busy with Dr appointments and scans.  They are having me starting low iodine diet on March 11th,  scans and possible treatment scheduled for the last week of March.  Savana is bummed because this is the 2nd time that I have been low iodine for her birthday celebration.  Means no cake or icecream for me.  Those who know Savana can understand how sad this makes her.  She is all in for a party!  Don't worry, the party happens no matter what...but she is already working on a way to include a low iodine dessert.  Gotta love her!
Savana and I have been volunteering at "Thrifty Threads", a local shop whose proceeds go to support Wonderland Camp.  They provide jobs for handicapped individuals also.  The owner has converted her attic space into a wonderland of formal wear.  She bought and was donated hundreds of dresses and suits.  It will be a rental/loaner program so kids can check out an outfit for prom.  All they have to do is have it cleaned before they return it.  Absolutely beautiful dresses!  We have now organized, sized and set everything up for prom season!  Huge job but really fun too.
I am totally rambling here but these snowy cold days tend to give me time to reflect on my life.  Teenagers are a trial for parents but I have to say that I have the greatest kids.  I woke up this morning to a birthday present from my crew...They bought a gorgeous frame and Savana thought long and hard to pick out the pictures.  Shelby has already gone to work and both kids are still sleeping since there is no school today.  I am sitting here with my coffee and enjoying the silence of the house.  Really, for the first time in years, I feel calm and centered. 
I am going to try to be a better blogger but no promises here!  Hope everyone is staying warm and cozy.  There went another snow plow!  Love Kristi