Kristi Thacker

Kristi Thacker
Thyroid Cancer Sucks

Sunday, October 30, 2011

A busy weekend, full of fun, friends and family.

We hosted the School of the Osage Drama Club bonfire on Friday night.  20 kids and 2 teachers attended, they all brought food and several were dressed in costumes.  It was in the 40's but the huge fire kept everyone pretty comfortable.  They had a great time!

I found some pictures on my camera when I downloaded the Drama Club pics.  Here are a couple from the wedding a couple of weeks ago.  Savana and Daddy dancing and a sweet shot of Shelby.

This picture cracks me up!   They were dancing to the YMCA song.  Lee's arms are hilariously long!  Absolutely cracks me up....

Saturday morning was spent at the bowling alley for the Youth Bowling League.  Savana and Lee are both enjoying bowling again this year.  It is a fabulous deal.  We pay $20.00 one time and they then bowl every Saturday from 9-12.

Sunday was a get together at Kim's for October birthdays and Halloween.  We had a Ghost, Farse Vader, Smurfette, 2 race car drivers, a "born again" band member, Ketchup, Mustard, Hotdog baby, bumble bee, spider man and last but not least "scary guy" Alec.

Meet Amanda

This is Amanda, Lee's sweet girlfriend!  She hides from cameras so I grabbed a few during the bonfire on Friday night.

Friday, October 28, 2011

And the football season continues!

Our boys pulled off an amazing, sweeping win over the California Pintos last night.   So they move on to sectional play.  For the first time in many years!  Needless to say, Lee was very "pumped up" and required another full meal right after the game.  Grandpa Gary came down to watch this milestone game and went to McDonalds with us.  It was so nice to sit with my grown up kiddo, visiting with Grandpa about his new truck and swapping stories.  Wow, my first born will be leaving the nest in just a couple more years....I talk about being very ready for the kids to move out but occasionally it hits me and makes me a little sad too.  Shelby and I have always had kids in our relationship, so for the last 18 years, we have made it very clear that we are looking forward to just being a "couple".  But after you have kids, you are never just a couple!  I am pretty sure that every conversation Shelby and I have has something to do with kids.....or the money that the kids need for something....or the home repair that needs to be done to accomodate the kids....Wouldn't trade this for anything!

Now it is time to wake Savana up.  We are hosting a bonfire for her Drama Club Costume Party tonight and we need to get the wood piled up, chairs dragged out and make sure that her costume is just right!  Watch for some pictures on this one.  Could be quite entertaining!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

another picture...too cute

Just found this adorable picture of Lee and Amanda dancing...she is tiny and he is not!  Did not get a good shot of their faces so I guess you will just have to imagine what she looks like.  She is adorable.

I have been a bad "blogger" lately!

No good excuses other than I just haven't had the drive to even get on the computer once I get home at night.  Have been working really hard at school to get all the vision and hearing screenings done on about 1000 kids...lots of time on my feet during the day but I am finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. 

So here is the last few weeks in a quick note.

Eldon's football team is doing really good this season and only needs one more win to advance to District playoff.  Have 2 more games left, so they are down to the wire.  It has been a very exciting season, a great Junior year for Lee.

Freshman Savana has been doing her thing, volunteering for concession stand work for her multiple clubs that she is in.  Last week was Math Club's turn to man the food stand so I ended up watching Osage Soccer for several hours in the rain.  First time I had ever watched a "real" soccer game with all the rules followed....It was fun.

Last Saturday, Shelby was in a friends wedding.  So he was all dolled up in a tuxedo.  I had to catch a few shots of this for posterity.  You might remember that I could not get him to wear anything but jeans and a dress shirt for our wedding.  I'm not complaining!  I thought the guys looked great in their crisp white western shirts and black jeans.  Shelby also wore his black cowboy hat..he was so dashing!

 Shelby and I even took the opportunity to do a little dancing.  The DJ was able to scrape up a couple of country songs for us OLD FOLKS.  Bride and Groom were a younger couple and they played mostly pop music.  Lee (and his girlfriend Amanda) and Savana had a great time.